Monday 11 November 2013


(sun, water, air - will cultivate any monstrosity from above)

The Sun shined - the Air stirred - the Rain poured.
You smiled, I smiled, we blossomed: Love.
But the winds of Time blew your petals -
Away from me.
Your coarse hands planted a seed in my soul -
It bobbed, red and swelling in the endless streams of my blood
Reflecting the ethereal memories of your Light,
Like a bulging eye directly through my skin.

Anchored stiffly, deeply in my chest,
It grew sideways - lodged like a stone in my heart.
Watered by the greyest tears from my darkest eyes
It split its skin when limbs appeared
Jolting my Heartstrings -
Jabbing my inner wires -
As it curled round the coils of my brain.

There, that demon took full form -
With prickling petals,
And blades for thorns,
Which cut my choking lungs  
- There my funeral had blossomed -
Shrouded by flowers of death.

My psyche had been usurped
And my soul, corrupted - 
Dictating me to believe 
That you were mine.
That you loved me.
That this cancer deep in my heart was 

When your soul brushed passed mine
Just the other day
As the Sun was setting -
Suddenly the light turned black;
My raw heart bled;
My weak skull split;
My keen eyes failed;

And my soul lay twisted in the ground
As your roots crawled out -
And the Sun was slowing down
When my broken eyes found you then
I had died inside -
Only to discover that (from the time that the Sun had risen)
I was already dead -

Copyright © JRFB 2013