They say that the greatest things come in threes:
- The Three Fates
- B.L.T. sandwiches
- Robert Downey's 3 year prison sentence for skipping a drug test (but of course, Mr Stark charmed his way out of that one
or blasted them with his iron suit of death)
- Ed, Edd n Eddy
- Harry, Ron, Hermione
- 3 Wise Men
- Me, Myself & I*
And finally, and perhaps most importantly:
Beyoncé, Kelly and Michelle.
'Michelle who?' - I hear some of you ask.
Williams. Michelle Williams!
Still, I'm seeing some baffled looks and hesitant nods, as you pretend to know who the hell I'm talking about.
No, I'm not talking about this one:
THIS one:

Michelle Williams, need I say that name again?*
Well, shame on you, if you didn't know that I am referring to third member of notorious, noughties, r&b girlband Destiny's Child. I emphasize the third here because sadly, that is exactly how Michelle has been portrayed throughout her career.
Michelle is the less renowned member of the trio, and this has been picked up on by the internet...

'First the worst, second the best, third -'
'- I'm the Michelle of the group, aren't I?'
I too have been guilty of this farce: branding the singer as the 'Internet Explorer of the group'; and my mother and I naming our Sat Nav Michelle because it was crap and always lead us down the wrong roads... but I do it all in jest.
Before I go on, I must stress that I personally am a huge fan of Miss Williams, and in the true spirit of democracy, I've always loved her just as much as Beyoncé and Kelly. I especially love her verse in soul-sista anthem of the decade 'Girl' - a song about sisterhood:
'We Ain't Never Seen You Down Like This
What You Mean You Don't Need Us To Help?
We Known Each Other Too Well'
We Known Each Other Too Well'
*chest-bumps nearby female for empowerment*
Nevertheless, despite having at least one fan, it is true that Michelle has always been pushed to the side, ostracized and overshadowed by this cruel world in which we live. But she must have mad someone helllaaaa mad in her past life though, because someone's out to get her!

Who's behind this witchcraft?!

I guess we all slip up now and again...
However, an admirable quality in Michelle is that she never gives up! This diva has released 4 albums, acted in Broadway, starred in a few films AND contested in Strictly Come Dancing back in 2010. This girl's a real SURVIVOR*.
In fact, it is her new single 'Say Yes' that I'm building up to here. The song really shows off her sweet vocals, confidence as a solo artist and just PROVES that just because you're not Beyoncé it doesn't mean you can't succeed in life (indeed, Michelle you have taught us an important life lesson).
The song has a real African-soul kick to it, and is just the uplifting beat to make you feel alive and LOSE YOUR BREATH* as your soul sings 'WHEN JESUS SAY YES NOBODY CAN SAY NOOOOOO'. I cannot get it out of my head!
Did I also mention that in the song, Michelle teams up with Beyoncé and Kelly again - making it their first hit since the band's split in 2005? It's great to see such iconic artists reunite on this track, just like back in the good old days of wearing khaki pants and cowboy hats. They're still flawless!

And the best part of it all is that it's still very much Michelle's solo work, and FINALLY, she has the limelight that she truly deserves.
This song is about faith, and after hearing this song, I feel like I've been converted, (seriously - she's just THAT convincing) and with Michelle Williams as the chaplain and with Destiny's Child in the gospel choir, this is one church I can't wait to join!
Michelle, YOU can handle this!*

Check out 'Say Yes' by Michelle Williams down below and let me know what you think about it!
*note: pardon the uncontrollable use of Destiny's Child/Beyoncé puns, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do
- DJ